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Dec 14, 2021

This week we have a brief chat about Nationals, snowy world cups and who made the unbound cut. We discuss Legion, Patrick's new team and the benefits of disclaimers in journalism. Plus, an amazing email that finally answers the question the whole nation has been asking, are there any railbike shirts from 1995 left in stock?

This podcast is supported by the generous and amazing donors to the Wide Angle Podium Network. You still have time to pick yourself up the first EVER official SRP merch at

The poddy is also supported by Hammerhead. For a limited time Hammerhead has an incredible deal-buy a Karoo 2 at and get up to $170 when you trade in your current cycling computer. 

That's a rebate of up to $170 when you trade up to a Karoo 2 from Hammerhead,  and trade in your current cycling computer, only for a limited time.  

The poddy is also supported by Grimpeur Bros. Specialty Coffee! Our custom WAP roasts are available now! Proceeds from each sale directly support WAP (and SRP)! It's a win-win! Check out and pick up the BRAND NEW Viewer Mail roast or Cyclocross Friends espresso.

Find us, and other fantastic cycling podcasts on the Wide Angle Podium Network, at! Check out the brand new WAP app available in the Apple and Android app stores!

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