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Nov 27, 2019

We regret to inform you of Tim's voice's demise, but that actually didn't stop him this week! So naturally, now he and MvdP are the two undisputed superpowers in cycling. And one of them has a lot to say.

This week we are supported by WORX Hydroshot portable washer! Just in time for cyclocross season, and winter...

Nov 20, 2019

This week the show probably did the most good it has ever done for the cycling scene. More than when we bought a USA Cycling license directly from the CEO of USAC. More than when we hosted the #Louisville2013FoamParty. Do not miss it.

This week we are supported by WORX Hydroshot portable washer! Just in time for...

Nov 12, 2019

This week we invented a Hydropack Chamois Cream Applicator, and for that we are truly sorry. We also discovered there may be too many MVDP's and debate the actual point of cyclocross, all before taking on Big TP.

This week we are supported by WORX Hydroshot portable washer! Just in time for cyclocross season, and winter...

Nov 5, 2019

This was supposed to be a slow news week... whoops! MVDP is back, baby! Loving that livestream! Plus we really got into the weeds on the Tour of California and Katusha/Bigla. But by far the biggest news drop was about Dirty Kanza.

Big news! This week we are supported by WORX Hydroshot portable washer! Just in time for...